Ooooooooh, I was so happy to pick out girly buttons for this wee kimono cardigan. Vintage ones from my grandma. My mom has her collection now and they are all lined up by colour in little old glass spice jars. I could play with them all day. Normally I try to avoid buttons on things I knit, but after checking out this collection, I might just change my mind...
And yes, I am well aware that this picture quality sucks and you can hardly even see the button detail. Be patient, and I may just get a close up of the buttons and also, the baby wearing the sweater! I can't wait to see her in it, sweet little sugar lump.
Oh! I love this! So cute! I have a little niece or nephew coming in the fall, and since my brother and sister-in-law are choosing to not find out the sex I have been having trouble deciding on colors for knitting. This is a great idea, then I can put buttons on after the birth and it will work perfectly! Thanks!